Cirkus had the pleasure of creating this evocative and beautiful 3D animation teaser trailer for the upcoming animated feature ‘Nullaboo Hullaballoo’, produced by Astro-nomical Entertainment (USA / China) and directed by Peter Lepeniotis. This film will be based on the popular 2019 young-reader novel of the same name written by the award-winning Australian author Fleur Ferris.
The trailer follows our main protagonist, Gemma Hart, who is out in the wild wheat fields of her farm home in Australia. The dark stormy weather is shaken when she encounters a magical flicker of light in the form of the fairy, Janomi. Gemma walks home with her new friend, only to be ominously followed by two mysterious dark figures.
This highly detailed and lovingly rendered film was a real pleasure to work on for the team and features a combination of a 2D stylistically painted background combined with a cinematic 3D animation.
Design & Illustration – Amber Edwards
3D Model & Texture – James Turnbull, Audee Halim, Mathis Giland, Valentine Serre
Simulations Rigging – Joon Seok Yoon, Matthew Denton
3D Animation – Joon Seok Yoon, Shuo (Tim) Liu
Light & Render – Christian Greet, Audee Halim, Daniel McRae
Compositing – Christian Greet
Sound & Music – Marshall Smith
Producers – Marko Klijn, Audee Halim
Director – Peter Lepeniotis
Producers – Jay Ahn, Chris Henderson