A Train in the Garage – Skyline

 This advert promotes the classic kiwi “Skyline” brand using Stop Motion Animation to demonstrate what you can get up to in a Skyline Garage.
This Skyline TVC was also the recipient of the inaugural Stop Press/ThinkTV TVC of the Year Award (2011)! You can read the article here.
Cirkus Team
Director/Stop Motion Animation: Flea Norman Yeend
DOP: Andrew McGeorge
Gaffer: Phil Totoro
Cirkus Team: Escape Artist Andrew Stewart, Juggler Christian Greet, Hulahooper Toni Chase
Producer: Hoopdiver Amy Behrens
Agency: Barnes, Catmur & Friends
Creative Director: Paul Catmur, Daniel Barnes
Account Director: Daniel Barnes
Media Strategist: Monica Wales
Writer: Paul Catmur, Carlos Savage
Art Director: Crispin Schuberth
Client: Skyline
Brand: Skyline Garages
Client Contact: Chris Cook